Sundays at PRBC
Are Different
We believe that it is God’s prerogative to determine how He shall be worshipped, and how He shall be represented in the world. We believe that Christians and churches need to turn to the Bible to discover what to include in worship services, and how to worship God “in spirit and truth” (John 4:23). We endeavor to maintain a God-centered focus in our services and to protect our worship from the intrusion of carnal entertainments and distractions. It is our conviction that reading, preaching and hearing the Word of God, singing Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and administering baptism and communion are the scriptural elements of corporate worship. We seek to perform these with faith, joy and sobriety.

The Lord’s Day
We believe that, since creation, it has been the duty of every soul to set apart one day of the week for undistracted worship of the Triune God (Genesis 2:1-2; Mark 2:27). We believe that since the resurrection of Christ, this day has been established as the first day of every week, the Lord’s Day (Revelation 1:10). It is our joy to sanctify this day to the Lord, and to delight ourselves in Him on His holy day. On this day we seek to observe a holy rest from all our works, words and thoughts about our worldly employments and recreations (Isaiah 58:13). We find this day to be one of liberty from temporal concerns and freedom to attend to the matters of our souls. Chief among our delights on the Lord’s Day are the public gatherings for worship and the preaching of God’s Word.
Our prayer meetings are well attended and central to the life of our church. We cannot imagine trying to function as a church without them. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ intends his people to gather frequently for corporate prayer, and that participation in such meetings is normative for New Covenant children of God
(1 Timothy 2:8).

Child Care and Children’s Ministry:
At Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church we believe children are a blessing from the Lord. We welcome children of all ages to all our services; however, we understand that it may be hard for little children to sit still during worship. For this reason, we provide children’s care for infants up to four during all of our weekly services. It is the parent’s decision to utilize childcare or not. By age four children should transition to be with the body of Christ during worship and corporate prayer. In addition to nursery care, we also provide Sunday School classes and mid-week classes for ages four through junior high (high school on Sunday). It is the parent’s decision whether or not to place their children in our classes; children of any age are welcome to attend any of our adult classes with their parents.